etc/my.cnf file dosen’t exist on Mac OS

Are you getting the following error while trying to connect to the MySql server admin.


Installing the MySQL on the Mac OS X is just pretty easy to do but OS X dosen’t create the my.cnf in the /etc directory. But what it does to created some supportive files at /usr/local/mysql/support-files directory. In order to fix this, just copy the my-huge.cnf into the /etc directory.

open the terminal and browse to the following location

cd /usr/local/mysql/support-files

then, run the following command

sudo cp my-huge.cnf /etc/my.cnf

This should created a my.cnf file at /etc directory.


Leadership Freak

Ask any successful person how they achieved success and many will mention good fortune. Some will say, “I was lucky.”

For instance:

Jay Elliot told me he met Steve Jobs in the waiting area of a restaurant after leaving Intel for a job at a start-up. The start-up failed. Jay had no job.

Andy Grove, Intel’s president and Jay’s former boss, gave Jay this parting message, “You’re making a big mistake – Apple isn’t going anywhere.”

Jay became a V.P. at Apple and Jobs’ right hand man. Steve was twenty-five. It was just months before Apple went public.


I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it. Denzel Washington

The Sweet 16 of creating good fortune:

  1. Stay open. The thing you seek may not be the thing you find.
  2. Keep asking questions.
  3. Look for favorable circumstances. People see what they look for.
  4. Set direction and…

View original post 120 more words

Setting up Apache on Mac Lion 10.8

The new Mac version 10.8 (release July 2012) is no longer support the GUI for setting up the apache from Web Sharing in ‘System Preferences’. So this post will shows how to setup the Apache. However, Apache is already included as a part of OS. Open the terminal and you can run the following command to start/stop or restart the apache service. Open the terminal and run the following command as required.

  • sudo apachectl start
  • sudo apachectl stop
  • sudo apachectl restart

Simple!!! so the problem is to just setup the permission. For this you need to create a user.conf file in the /etc/apache2/users so lets create a user file Go to terminal again and run the following command

  • cd /etc/apache2/users

You can change myname with your name

  • sudo pico myname.conf

Use the folloing text to create myname.conf file <directory “=”” users=”” myname=”” sites=””> Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all once create the the then one last step to create a ‘Sites’ folder at user (i.e myname) folder restart the apache server and all should be good!

The use of Technology in Higher Education

Over the past few years technology has made a huge shift in the primary, secondary and higher education as well as to how students adopt these technologies for their course work. It is clear that British universities have realised the importance of adopting modern technology, as well as to increase their expertise and investing largely into virtual learning system, online learning management systems and providing the lectures rooms with the modern and latest technology. This in turn has enabled universities to becoming much more hands-on and in recognising the added value that these virtual and learning online systems that can make to the student learning experience better. There are many online resources, for example online reading material, journal databases access, lectures slides, discussion forums just to name a few.

Although, there are still large number of students who find the transition to higher education (i.e. universities) strenuous until they become accustomed to the academic language, the concept of independent learning and class room participation. The student experience is under developed in regard to adopting and using technology for educational purposes. For example, submitting an assignment online, using various learning management systems and virtual learning environments to name a few.

A number of students perceived the sole purpose of using the technology is to access the online media such as using social network, instant messaging and audio/video to name a few. In general, students have reported that depending on what training they have undergone or is available to them in adopting and using e-learning resources has had or will have a significant impact on their overall e-learning experience whilst studying at university either it’s being in a positive or negative way.

Additionally, many university students (i.e. academic literature) have also highlighted the complexity of adopting new learning styles and teaching methods all through the student’s studies. It is therefore, apparent that students still believe to some extent the best learning method is the traditional way of face-to-face learning and the delivering of lectures by academic staff in the conventional classroom environment. This enables the students to engage with other students and teachers as well as receiving prompt feedback if and when required.


Presentation at EDULEARN 2011 conference

I am attending EDULEARN (International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies) 2011 conference organised by INTEAD (International Association for Technology, Education and Development). This conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 4th July to 7th July 2011. I have submitted my journal with a title of ‘A Gender Based E-Learning Experience for International University Students’ for this conference preceding. I will present my work/journal as an oral presentation in this conference. This presentation will take place on 5th July at 9:30 followed by questions and answers session.

Abstract can be found from the digital library after being published in July 2011.


EDULEARN11 is an International Forum for those who wish to present their projects and discuss the latest innovations and results in the field of New Technologies in Education, E-learning and methodologies applied to Education and Research.


The International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED) is a non-profit private association dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Technology and Science.

IATED believes that this is best achieved through international cooperation and promotes the development of closer links among relevant educational institutions and individuals around the world. IATED supports that such international cooperation can help countries learn from each other and promotes the dissemination of scientific and technological activities.

Through the organisation of different international events, it brings together institutions, bodies and organisations from different countries of the world for discussion and cooperation.


Presentation at Inted Conference

I am presenting on ‘gender based e-learning experience’ on Monday 7th March in the International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2011. This conference will be held in Valencia, Spain from 7th March to 9th March 2011.

I have submitted a paper for the International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2011. This paper will be published in the conference proceeding and can be accessible from INTED website (digital library). This paper has been written by myself and Carmel’s. This paper has highlighted the gender based e-learning experience in the Pakistani universities. This paper has covered the resources provided by the universities to the students and their experiences of using these technologies in the education.

An overview of the conference paper

The purpose of this paper was to highlight the current e-learning experience in Pakistan for both male and female undergraduates within universities. There is no study (to date) has focused exclusively on ‘gender’ in the e-learning experience and how gender differences affect the development of e-learning and how these factors can be overcome to improve the overall experience in Pakistan. This paper has identified numerous factors that affect male and female undergraduates in their e-learning experience within the two universities in Pakistan. It has measured the extent to which these factors affect gender. The paper has concluded with a number of recommendations for improving e-learning and how these differences can be overcome.

The results have verified that there is great potential and scope for e-learning development in Pakistan. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data has highlighted several factors that affect both male and female undergraduates. However, the results have exposed a number of factors that tend to affect female students more than compared to their male counterpart. These factors identified ranged from lack of infrastructure, government support, and computer literacy to mention a few. From these results a number of recommendations have been made on how the e-learning experience in terms of gender could be improved for further university students within Pakistan.

This study has provided an insight into the e-learning experience within Pakistan focusing on gender differences regarding the use of e-learning. This paper contributes to knowledge by beginning to fill these gaps and addressing the need for additional work.

Overview of the conference

INTED2011 will be an International Forum for those who wish to present their projects and innovations, having also the opportunity to discuss the main aspects and the latest results in the field of Education and Research.
The general aim of the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in all educational fields and disciplines. The attendance of more than 500 delegates from 65 different countries is expected.

Two ISBN publications will be produced with all the accepted abstracts and papers that will serve as a database of innovation projects in Education and Research.

Keywords: Pakistan, e-learning, gender, education, experience

To e-learn or not to e-learn in Pakistan

Pakistan is a developing, multiethnic and multilingual country and has become the second largest economy in South Asia with a total population of approximately 167 millions. Pakistan has long list of colleges and universities across the country but still the literacy rate of the country is low compared to the other countries within the region. Distance learning is another way to learn and provide the facilities to the students who can’t attend the college or university based on their personal circumstance. In the recent years, the both government and people have realized the importance of the ICT and believe that these technologies have tremendous potential in the country. The trends towards ICT education has been increased in the young generation.

The distance learning or e-learning in Pakistan is not a new phenomenon and there are many colleges and universities are providing the e-learning based courses to the students. For example, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) was the first of its kind to offer distance learning and later broadcasting courses on the TV. Moreover, in 2002 another university was set up (named Virtual University) to meet existing demand in the country. The Virtual University introduced a number of e-learning techniques into the country and offered both e-learning and blended learning to the students. In short, there are many projects and plans going on to improve the education quality and standards. There are many colleges and universities started or planning to join the e-learning arena and will offer to provide an e-learning based courses. There are still many problems which are hindering in the development of the e-learning and uplifting the education quality and standards.

I will try to write a series posts to highlight the number of main problems associated with the e-learning and to identify the key elements which hindering in the development of e-learning in Pakistan.

ICT Infrastructure

The infrastructure is one of the key problems in the development of e-learning in the country. Since 1996, Internet service providers companies are in operation and they had just covered only 29 cities of the country by mid 2000 with 0.1 million internet subscribers. But today, there are more than 200 internet service providers and providing services in more than 1800 town and cities. But most of them are providing only dial-up services to its subscriber. According to the Internet World Stats, only 7.2 percent of the total population used internet. A large number of populations can’t afford or don’t have access to the internet and can’t buy personal computer and subscribe with the internet service provider due to their low incomes. From the last 5 years, the growth of Internet café’s increased massively in both urban and rural areas. These internet café’s provide a cost effective, easy and convenient access to the Internet.

From 2004, the government have had paid its intention towards this industry and invest a large sum to improve the current ICT infrastructure. Both local and foreigner investor flowed their investment in this industry. This investment resulted to increase massively for both cellular and Internet subscribers. But when it comes to the high speed internet like DSL or broadband then there are not many subscribers for these internet services. The DSL and broadband is available only in selected cities so still a large part of the country is not able to access high speed internet. According to the PTA, there are nearly one million subscribers for broadband internet in the country and these subscribers are twice compared to the last year.

There is still a need more resources and money to improve the overall infrastructure which provide the high speed internet and will manage the massive growth of the internet subscriber. During the data gathering from the students, they were more concerning about the speed and availability of the internet.

Presentation at ECEL 2010

I have submitted my first academic paper (gender based study for e-learning in Pakistan) for the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL) 2010 and it’s been accepted for the conference preceding. This paper has published in the Electronic Journal of e-learning (EJEL). I have had an opportunity to attend the conference and give a presentation of my present at the conference. This conference was held atInstituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal’ on 4th and 5th November 2010. I will upload my presentation along with audio recording.


The purpose of this paper was to highlight the problems affecting male and female students in e-learning in Pakistan. E-learning is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. A number of studies have been carried out to assess the impact on e-learning. However, to date no study has focused specifically on ‘gender differences’ affecting the development of e-learning and how these factors can be overcome. This paper has identified a number of gender problems associated with e-Learning in Pakistan. It has measured the degree to which these factors affect male and female students. This paper has concluded with a number of practical recommendations for improving e-learning and how these gender differences can be overcome.


This comparative study has compared and contrasted an equal number of male (125) and female (125) school leavers (age 16) in ten (five girls schools and five boys schools) state schools in five different cities across Pakistan. The data was collected through 250 online completed questionnaires sent to school leavers through a survey software (SurveyMonkey). These matched samples were used to identify and explore the root causes affecting male and female students in e-learning development. This was followed by six in-depth semi-structured interviews (three male and three female students) in order to gain a comprehensive understanding as to why these various issues in the questionnaire disadvantaged the use and development of e-learning.


The results confirmed that there is a great scope for e-learning development in Pakistan. The findings showed a positive attitude among students regardless of their gender in consideration of using e-learning either currently or in the future. However, male students have tended to be exposed and encouraged more in the use and development of e-learning as compared to female students. Thus, a number of problems have disadvantaged many students from taking full advantage of e-learning and its benefits. The originality and the novelty of this paper is the distinctive methodological framework adopted. No other study (to date) has conducted a comparative study of male and female students in terms of e-learning development. There is only a limited amount of work available on e-learning and gender related factors, this paper therefore seeks to fill this gap and contribute to knowledge in the ICT sector.